If you need Tech How To Help, use the other link.
My Chromebook is not working
Call 812-523-6181. Ask for Mr. Mahoney
If email is working, send Mr. Mahoney a note explaining the problem.
The program is running slow or is blocked
Completely shut down and restart chromebook. May need a filter update.
Check for software updates. Clear your browsing data. Only after these steps, call 812-523-6181.
How do I sign in?
Click on this video to see how to sign into Edgenuity (6-12).
Parent Portal sign in is listed below.

Student Orientation
Course Map
Click on the Image to the right to access the Imagine Edgenuity's site.
Review how the Course Map provides information for the day's work .
How will I know when my work is due?
Will I get reminders?
What are the Guided Notes? Will I be able to take enotes?
As a parent, where do I go to see my student's progress?
How to log into the parent portal for the first time.
How to read and understand the Progress report 6-12 ?

How to read and understand the progress report?

How do I ask for help over homework or content or reset a lesson/quiz?
During school hours, chat with teacher through Go Guardian using the ? box in lower left corner of screen.
Send an email to teacher. Screenshots help communicate problem location.
Call OT office, 812-523-6181.
How do I find my Google Meet?